Baby Room Cologne Spray

銷售熱賣 No.1! 爽身粉Baby Powder可愛延續篇
猶如嬰兒Baby 房間 完美純真可愛的香氣


安逸、柔和、舒適、BB 爽身粉、初生嬰兒香氣...
交織出可愛、粉嫩、清新... 令人猶如置身嬰兒Baby 房間之中般溫馨自在...
Baby Room 香氛富含經典的 BB 嬰兒爽身粉的豐盈芳香,洋溢著初生小嬰兒的愛與熱情,純真可愛。

Comfort, Soft, Baby Powder, Fragrant...As clean and as fresh...
Feels like Baby's Room... The softest and warmest scent from baby powder, floral and fruit... from baby's pillow, bed sheet...



Tears Cologne Spray


幸福、愉悅、悲傷、歡樂 ... "Tears" 眼淚之光淡香氛併奏出生活中令人最感動的一刻... 糅合豐富、明亮及細膩誘人的香氣... 交織出最動人難忘的記憶...

"眼淚" 香氛氣味清新,使人感到溫暖與熱情,成熟而豐富結合呼應,令人無比自在感動。

Happiness, Joy, Sadness, Merry, Precious Moments.....

"Tears" captures the most touching, precious moment and sense...A sensational and luminous cologne combines the delicate notes and memories...



Diet Cologne Spray

控制及降低食慾... 輕鬆達到快樂瘦身的效果...

減肥瘦身掀起一股革命熱潮,"Diet" 香氛萃取多種天然花果精油,包括鮮美的柚子、芬芳的橙花、和諧且飽滿盛開的阿拉伯茉莉、小蒼蘭、依蘭依蘭和新鮮紫丁香、清新的紫羅蘭,混和溫暖綿密的麝香、廣藿香和檀香,遍佈感官神經。開啟清新喜悅,控制及降低食慾的輕鬆快樂瘦身熱潮...

The new slimming scent... give you pleasure feelings, reduction in stress, the easy way to loss weight!
A "must have" for daily life...

Beauty scents of grapefruit, with floral scents neroli, jasmine, freesia, ylang-ylang and freshly picked lilac and violet. Well combine together with musk with patchouli and the woodsy intensity of sandalwood.



HK$185 / 30ML











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