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Vitacreme B12 Body Milk
維他命 B12 身體乳液


- 解決皮膚疲倦、乾燥、老化、暗沉
- 增強皮膚彈性,緊緻肌膚
- 預防過早出現的細紋和皺紋
- 減淡及撫平皺紋
- 收細毛孔
- 改善乾燥,深層滋潤補濕
- 淡化及修復新舊疤痕、粉刺印痕、蟲咬的痕跡
- 鎮靜日曬後肌膚的損傷,爆裂,紅腫和脫皮等問題
- 可用於小兒汗疹(痱子)或尿布疹
- 男士剃鬚後使用有效舒緩刺痛感


HK$330 (首次體驗價 HK$298 + 送 3 ml 試用裝)

200 ml

特別適用於室內或戶外活動後使用 (例如沙灘活動/ 行山遠足/ 滑雪等)。

Body Milk
Skin hydrating and regenerating with vitamin B12

VITACREME B12  penetrates as far as dermo-epidermic junction thanks to its liposomic reactivating agents as well as the growth of germinative cells (Deeper layer of the epidermis) favouring the formation of elastin and collagen fibres.

The result of more than 15 years of pharmacological and clinical tests, benefiting from references from well known neutral experts on the European plan.

A Swiss product at the cutting edge of cosmetic technology. 

VITACREME B12 is registered with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (ref. BAG C 8512).

Action of vitamin B12:
The eutrophic activity of the vitamin which penetrates as far as the dermo-epidermic junction has, as its' principal quality, the procurement at the epidermis of the water necessary for the revitalisation of the upper layers of the skin. The action is therefore particularly important for dry or aged skin caused by regular exposure to sun or the cold.

Properties of vitamin B12:
Prevents premature wrinkling
Reduces wrinkles and folds in the epidermis
Improves skin elasticity
Corrects epidermal dryness
Replenish the skin moisture
Improve tone and texture of skin
Smoothes or alleviates new or old scars
Regenerates tissues after prolonged exposure to sun, wind or cold (mountain sea etc.,)

For more information of Vitacreme B12, please email us: info@kct-global.com






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